Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Revit Architecture 2010 (RAC 2010) Service Pack-Web Update 2 Now Available

I’m somehow not surprised this came out today (9-30-09), the second Service Pack/Web Update for Revit Architecture 2010.  The download can be found HERE.  There are two separate downloads…one for 32bit and one for 64bit.  Make sure you download the correct version!

Revit Structure and Revit MEP Updates are also available!

As always, be sure to read the ReadMe File before starting the installation!!

And if you haven’t seen the Architecture update list, here it is below…

Improvements made in Update 2 build (20090917_1515):

Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2010 Enhancements

  • Annotation objects no longer disappear when panning a view that spans two monitors.
  • Improves stability when switching between Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 software and Google Earth™ software.
  • Improves the modification behavior of hosted sweeps (i.e. gutters) attached to joined roofs.
  • Improves stability and performance when modifying walls.
  • Improvements to shared nested families.
  • Improves stability when modifying masses.
  • Improves design option rules adherence for walls in different design options and worksets.
  • Family and type information can now be read in Autodesk® 3ds Max® software from an FBX® file exported from a non-English version of Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010.
  • Improves stability when adding views to sheets.
  • Improves stability when making a design option primary.
  • Improves stability of printing views in wireframe mode.
  • Shadows will no longer be cropped when a view is printed or exported to a DWF™ file.
  • Subscription notifications are now available from InfoCenter.
  • Improves stability when reading IFC files.
  • Improves stability when opening a project with an inserted TIF image and when importing a TIF image.
  • ViewCube® navigation tool and the navigation bar will now display correctly after unlocking the computer.
  • Improves stability when removing panels from the ribbon.
  • Improves stability when cancelling a move, delete or copy command.
  • Improves performance of view renaming and the Workset dialog.
  • Mass floor schedules will now update when a level is renamed.
  • A form element that has a divided surface applied to it will now be correctly generated after a copy, paste, or move.
  • Improves stability when exporting to DWG.
  • Dimension and spot elevation values will now display correctly in a dependent view.

Autodesk® Revit® API 2010 Enhancements

  • Improves stability when subscribed to a DocumentOpened event.


  • The service pack contains changes from the previous service pack (Update 1 - June 2009).
  • The service pack can be applied to both the standalone and suite versions of Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Run Revit on a Mac via Parallels Desktop

Hot off the press today (Sept. 24), Autodesk has announced that AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Autodesk Inventor Professional, 3ds Max and Revit Software will be able to run on a Mac via Parallels Desktop.


"Autodesk customers are increasingly working with both Mac and Windows, and have asked us to support Mac virtualization," said Chris Bradshaw, Autodesk chief marketing officer. "Today we are pleased to welcome Parallels as a partner and Parallels Desktop as our preferred Mac virtualization software. This is the latest step in Autodesk's ongoing efforts to support our customers on the Mac, who will now be able to use some of our most popular 2D and 3D design, engineering and entertainment software alongside Mac OS X, in addition to the five native Mac applications we currently offer."


The full press release can be read HERE.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Coalesse® Furnishings Now Provides Revit Families

Just saw this come through the good old Google Alert, Coalesse® Launches New Website.  Went out and took a look at the new site, looks nice but to find the Revit content means looking at each product.  You basically have to pick each item you think you want and then you’ll know if it has a Revit family or not.  I did find one and it looks like they are providing their Revit families via

When you get to a product, you can tell if it provides a Revit family by looking in the Resources area, as shown below…


So if you are looking for some furnishings, check out the new Coalesse site.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Revit Obtain Network License Issue

There is an issue that has been coming up where Revit is unable to obtain a network license on a specific workstation but other workstations can obtain a license.  This not only applies to Revit Architecture or even 2010…this one applies to all flavors of Revit (Arch, Structure and MEP) and versions 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Autodesk has posted a possible solution on their website HERE.