Well, this managed to come up without much notice. And if you’re looking at the Autodesk website, you won’t find the update either (at least so far at 9:00 am CST). It did pop up on my Communication/Info Center that there was an update. The link will bring you to a “local” htm page that has a link to the readme and a button to Update your software. This link does know if you have a 32bit or 64bit installation.
Now that the Autodesk webpage has been updated and you’re looking to download the exe, you can grab them at the following link…
Here’s the list of the main updates…
The list of supported video cards and drivers has been updated. Improves stability in working with families. Improves stability when deleting views. Improves stability when export to gbXML. Improves stability when view "Analytical Surfaces" in the Export gbXML dialog. Correct export of embedded curtain walls to gbXML. Improves stability when export to DWG. Improves stability when export a split view with shared coordinates to DWG. Respects crop region with blocks when exported to DWG in wireframe visual style. Correct placement of annotation when exported to DWG. Improves stability when Export to DWF. Improves stability and performance when working in the Materials dialog. Improves IFC import to display a warning when encountering a geometry issue that would have previously caused instability in some cases. Improves Properties Palette and canvas interaction that caused unstable graphics if family regenerations were interrupted. Updates to placed instances will now occur when reloading a Family Parameter into project environment as a Reporting Parameter. Improves In Canvas Parameter Labeling to allow a Reporting Parameter to be created when an Instance or Type Parameter could not be. Disables Reporting Parameters between In Place Families and Reference geometry. Correct parameter names display within the Decal Dialog. Improves consistency between Revit and Max when exporting lights with IES files via FBX. Restored custom quality setting that controls number of refractions in a rendering. Improves the performance when adjusting the exposure of a rendered image. Improves issues encountered when rendering elements with different phase settings. Repairs upgrade issue with certain light fixtures using IES files. Repairs printing issue where Scope Boxes from Linked files were visible despite Print settings turning them off. Ensures correct orientation of Elevation tags when tag family is edited. Improves stability when switching among the tabs in RVT Links Display Settings. Improves stability when ungrouping arrayed elements. Improves Filter Rules. For the entire list (including the API updates), you can view the PDF HERE.
Important Note:
Update 1 is not a full install; rather it is using service pack technology similar to AutoCAD®- based products. Prior to installing the Update 1, please verify that you have already installed the First Customer Ship build of Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 which is available below.