Friday, September 24, 2010

STL Exporter Comes Out of Retirement

Not sure how many of you caught this, but the STL exporter for Revit was retired (graduated from the Autodesk Labs…last version was for Revit 2010) on Aug. 18, 2010.  When I initially saw this, I was very surprised that they would stop this functionality since it was used nicely when going to a 3D printer.  Well, at least that’s what I used it for. 

Well, apparently that news didn’t go over to well with a lot of people as the STL exporter has been updated and made available for Revit 2011!  Here’s the post from It’s Alive in the Lab about the STL exporter being available again.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Working with Revit and Vault

Yes, you read that title correct…Revit and Vault working together.  The below link is a post from Brian Schanen (Autodesk) that shows how Revit can work with Vault.

Now, this shows Vault working with a “single user” file, i.e. not a central file.  So we’ll just have to wait and see if functionality will become available for central files.  But, what is interesting about the Vault is its use for finding families in the library.  Being able to search by name or even better yet, properties/parameters is a big deal.

I don’t know much of anything about Vault (other than what my MSD colleagues have to say about it) but it’s intriguing to see how it can work with Revit.  This will be something to follow to see where it goes…if anywhere.